Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just One More Year...

Today. Well, today was just today. Actually today was the last first day of high school for me. And you know what I was telling myself all day today?! "Just one more year; just one more year." I know Senior Year of High School should be "the best days of your life", but I hope that these are not the best days of my life. Okay, sure, it was nice seeing everyone again (maybe, just kidding!), but if this is the best life gets, then don't sign me up to move on. Now, don't get me wrong, I am going to try and enjoy my Senior year. I really am not that cynical about it all, but the fact that I have college to look forward and all that comes with it, I really want to just want to skip senior year. Because in college I will be able to be emersed in Musical Theatre and sure, I will have some Gen. Ed. courses, but all my fun classes will get me through those to do what I thoroughly love. I can't wait to move out and experience life on my own, probably in a different state with whole new surroundings and a new culture to live in. I say that this is not "the best days of our lives", but maybe just the preparation of dedication needed to survive on our own. I guess that is a way to look at it, and hopefully that mentality will help me get through!

On the brighter side though, tomorrow my lovely twins come back into town tomorrow and I get to hang out with them all night! First we are making some money while we perform, and then we get to go see HSM2 On Stage! at MTW and then we also get to spend the night at my house... I'm feeling an all-nighter! :) well, just maybe, but probably not since I have school on Friday.

And then in a couple weeks I may be working at Crown plus Assistant Stage Managing, which I can't wait for! :)

Well time to get on that homework I have tonight. Ugh.
have a great rest of the day!


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