Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday night...

Eleven o'seven on Sunday night.

Oo man, now there is a long week ahead of me, and what am I doing instead of sleeping?! yes, that is right, I am writing a blog... Well today I woke up and went to Mass and then hung around until I went to the show at Crown Uptown tonight, Love, Sex and the IRS. It's a very hilarious show! Definitely check it out in the next two weeks! Then tonight I finished my homework and am trying to figure out my week. I have so much to do! I have blood work up tomorrow and voice lessons, piano on tuesday, hopefully a job interview on wednesday, and then down thursday and friday for wisdom teeth surgery, and I forgot I had that wednesday so now I am supposed to work on Saturday night and then off again Sunday but have to get all my homework done from two days and then back to school with Chicago rehearsals starting and hopefully work as well :) Plus, I need to get a college list going, even though right now Viterbo college is at top, but we will see how that goes :)
Well now that I just gave you a rundown of my next week I won't bore you anymore.

Pray that I make it through the week, ha! :)


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